January 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 8th January 2019 at St. Peter’s Church, South Somercotes
Vice-Chairman Cllr Mr Keith May
Cllr Mrs Corinne Duma
Cllr Mr Igor Duma
Cllr Mrs Rowena Benton
Cllr Mrs Tracey Poulter
Also present:
Clerk Mrs Natalie Fenner
Members of Public None
Item 0119/01 Chairman’s Welcome
In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman would be chairing this meeting. The Vice-Chairman opened the meeting at 6.27pm and welcomed everyone to the Parish Council meeting.
Item 0119/02 Apologies & Acceptance for Absence
Apologies had been received and accepted from the Chairman, Cllr Mr David Poulter, District Cllr Mr Robert Palmer and County/District Cllr Mr Daniel McNally.
Item 0119/03 Police Matters
No matters were raised, no representatives from the Local Neighbourhood Policing Team were in attendance and no feedback had been received.
Item 0119/04 District & County Councillor Updates
In the absence of both District Cllr Mr Palmer and District/County Cllr Mr McNally no report was made and no matters raised.
Item 0119/05 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with LGA 2011
Item 0119/06 Minutes: To Resolve as Minutes the record of the meeting held on 6th November 2018
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Poulter, seconded by Cllr Mrs Duma that the Minutes of the meeting held on the 6th November 2018 were a true record. The Vice-Chairman duly signed and dated the Minutes.
Item 0119/07 Chairman’s Update
The Vice-Chairman had no report to make under this item.
Item 0119/08 Clerks Report
The Clerk had received an enquiry relating to the position and the involvement that the Parish Council has had with the footpath application that is pending with LCC to be placed on the definitive map. The Parish Council provided information to LCC to include statements to support the application and a response would be made to the enquirer to confirm the involvement the Parish Council has had.
Item 0119/09 Parish Councillor Updates
Cllr Mrs Duma handed in £4.60 collected from the Book Stall donations.
Item 0119/10 Financial Matters
Expenditure It was noted that no invoice had been received for the works carried out by Wells Farm. ELDC have confirmed that the District Councillors grant has been approved and payment of £500 has been processed.
The new cheque book issued and received had the wrong name printed. A new cheque book is being processed along with the relevant forms to obtain new signatories and update the accounts.
Item 0119/11 Planning Matters
Item 0119/12 Highway/Lighting/Footpath Matters
A walkaround invitation with Highways has been received for 29th January in order to discussed concerns that the Parish may have apart from defects i.e. potholes. The concerns are with the dips located at Hallholme Bridge and at Billingsgate junction.
Along with the drainage concerns after rainfall on Town Street. The Clerk will make the arrangements and the Vice-Chairman will attend the meeting.
Two potholes located on East Row were noted and will be reported to Highways for repair.
Item 0119/13 Jubilee Field & St. Peters Churchyard
Cllr Mrs Poulter will ask the Chairman to speak with Wells Farm to see if there was any left over grass seed. It was advised that the field would need to be rolled in March, Wells will be asked if they can carry out this work and will be discussed further at the March meeting.
MKB Environmental Services placed mole traps on the field and have caught five.
It was suggested that the path that has been overgrown through the churchyard be looked and cleared.
The Clerk advised that if any events are being held, please could any information of the event or any involvement that the Parish Council may be able to assist with be brought to the attention of the Parish Council to make sure that everyone is fully aware, can help if needed and boxes ticked to ensure procedures are followed.
Item 0119/14 Reports From Outside Bodies
The Christmas Get-Together Event held on Sunday 16th December 2018 raised £66.92. It was resolved that £10.00 be donated to the CCT towards the electric, £25.00 be donated to the Communication of North and South Somercotes and the remaining amount of £31.92 be placed in the grass-cutting fund. A Thank you to everyone that supported the event was made and a piece will be placed in the Communication.
Item 0119/15 Next Meeting – March 2019
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th March 2019 commencing at 6:30pm with the Public Forum.
With there being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.27pm.