October 2020 Minutes
South Somercotes with Scupholme Fen Houses PARISH COUNCIL
Minutes of the Parish Council On-Line Meeting held on Tuesday 6th October 2020
Chairman Cllr Mr David Poulter
Cllr Mrs Corinne Duma
Cllr Mr Igor Duma
Cllr Mrs Rowena Benton
Cllr Mrs Tracey Poulter
Also, present:
Clerk Ms Natalie Fenner
District Cllr Mr Paul Rickett
District & County Cllr Mr Daniel McNally (7.03pm)
Members of Public Mrs Denise Day (6.52pm)
Item 1020/76 Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.33pm and welcomed everyone to the third Parish Council on-line meeting.
Item 1020/77 Public Forum
No members of the Public were at the start of the meeting. There were no members of the public accessing the meeting on-line.
Item 1020/78 Apologies & Acceptance for Absence
Item 1020/79 Police Matters
No members of the Local Neighbourhood Policing Team were in attendance and no update or report has been received. No matters were raised.
Item 1020/80 District & County Councillor Updates
District & County Cllr Mr McNally Reported:
Donna Nook Seals – In order to visit the Seals at Donna Nook this year, a ticket will need to be purchased on-line via LWT which is £10 per car.
Cllr Mr Duma asked if there was a date set for the new Paper & Cardboard collection and new bin.
Cllr McNally advised that at present, there is an issue in ordering the new bins of which is unknown in the production causing the delay. Roughly, in the ELDC area it is expected to roll out in Sept-Dec 2022. Cllr Mr McNally offered to deliver the new bins personally if required.
District Cllr Mr Rickett gave apologies for not being able to attend last month’s meeting.
Devolution – Cllr Rickett reported on the discussions held on Devolution. Cllr Rickett explained what devolution would mean for the area and the negative impact it would have on Councillors. However, the idea has been placed on hold for a few months.
With no further matters to report or questions raised, Cllr Mr Rickett gave his apologies to leave the meeting and disconnected at 6.42pm.
Item 1020/81 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with LGA 2011
Item 1020/82 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the meeting held on 8th September 2020
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Duma, seconded by Cllr Mr Duma, and resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on the 8th September 2020 were a true record. The Chairman will sign the Minutes as a true record when appropriate to do so.
Item 1020/83 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman had received a letter from Mrs Day to apply to re-join the Parish Council and fill a Parish Councillor Vacancy.
The Parish Council considered the application and Resolved to co-opt Mrs Day onto the Parish Council. Mrs Day will be welcomed back onto the Parish Council from the next meeting.
Item 1020/84 Clerks Report
The Clerk reported that letters of resignation had been received from Cllr Mr Duma and Cllr Mrs Duma. The Chairman thanked them both for all of their hard work, time and long-standing service given to the Parish Council on many levels. Cllr Mrs Benton also gave thanks and appreciation.
Item 1020/85 Parish Councillor Reports
The light fitting in the phone box looks like it may need attention. Further investigations needed.
Item 1020/86 Financial Matters
October 2020 Expenditure: None.
Item 1020/87 Planning Matters
Item 1020/88 Highway/Lighting/Footpath Matters
Cllr Mrs Benton reported that the footpath located on Town Street towards East Row (from Gander Patch in particular) is in a poor condition. Cllr McNally advised that he would visit, check and report.
District & County Cllr Mr McNally then gave his apologies to leave the meeting and disconnected from the meeting at 7pm.
Item 1020/89 Jubilee Field & St. Peters Churchyard
The grass-cutting of the field and the churchyard is to continue for another couple of cuts.
Equipment & Tables – Collection of the equipment and tables will be in a couple of weeks. The Clerk will make arrangements with the Chairman and Mr & Mrs Duma.
Item 1020/90 Reports From Outside Bodies
An entry for the November issue of the Communication magazine will be drafted to include the date of the next Parish Council meeting along with a note to let parishioners know the details for Remembrance Day which will be held on Sunday 8th November 2020. Unfortunately, due to COVID there will be no gathering held as usual. A Poppy Wreath will be laid at the Memorial and there will be no door to door collection this year. Cllr Mrs Benton will organise the Poppy Wreath and pass to the Chairman. Cllr Mrs Duma advised that the handouts normally used will be passed onto Mrs Day.
Item 1020/91 Next Meeting – Tuesday 3rd November 2020
The next monthly Parish Council Meeting will be held on-line on Tuesday 3rd November 2020, commencing at 6:30pm.
With there being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.04pm.