January 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 7th January 2020 at St. Peter’s Church, South Somercotes
Chairman Cllr Mr David Poulter
Cllr Mr Igor Duma
Cllr Mrs Rowena Benton
Cllr Mrs Tracey Poulter
Also, present:
Clerk Ms Natalie Fenner
District & County Cllr Mr Paul Rickett (6.45pm)
Police PC Richard Precious & PCSO Jo Drake (6.39pm)
Members of Public None
Public Forum
No members of the Public were in attendance and no matters raised.
Item 0120/01 Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.30pm and welcomed everyone to the Parish Council meeting.
Item 0120/02 Apologies & Acceptance for Absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Mrs Corinne Duma and County/District Cllr Mr Daniel McNally.
Item 0120/03 Police Matters
PC Richard Precious advised that in general there is no concerns and no reports for the Parish. In mid-November there were a series of local dwelling burglaries which stopped after two eastern European males were arrested in North Somercotes. In Holton Le Clay this afternoon, reported suspicious activities involving possible rogue charity bag collectors were investigated and checks carried out. All was above board at that time however, there have been other reports of rogue charity bag collectors that have been up to no good. The Louth Police Facebook page has been used more than the Lincs Alert System. It was felt that this more economical and has also proved that the information posted is more widely shared making it more effective. PC Precious advised of the upcoming installation of an ANPR camera at North Somercotes which is being provided by North Somercotes Parish Council and explained the current ANPR network within Lincolnshire.
PC Richard Precious and PCSO Jo Drake left the meeting at 7.02pm.
Item 0120/04 District & County Councillor Updates
District Cllr Mr Rickett reported on the energy waste plant, figures indicate LCC 3% of waste goes to landfill, predominantly mattresses and settees which are not incinerated. Any further investment to reduce the amount of waste to landfill is presently uneconomical. There is a push on making sure items placed in the recycling bins are correct and no batteries/grease or glitter items are placed in the bins. District Cllr Mr Rickett reported on the last ELDC meeting, a short agenda dealing with trivial matters including the Kingfisher Caravan Park and there is lots of effort going into the prevention of sleeping rough. Lastly, District Cllr Mr Rickett confirmed that the decision to move ELDC premises from Manby to Horncastle has not been made. The only decision that has been made is to purchase the land at Horncastle.
Cllr Mrs Poulter advised that she had been in email contact with County & District Cllr Mr McNally relating to arranging a visit to the Recycling Centre for the Youth Council and School visit.
District Cllr Mr Rickett then left the meeting at 7.02pm.
Item 0120/05 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with LGA 2011
Item 0120/06 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the meeting held on 3rd December 2019
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Benton, seconded by Cllr Mrs Poulter and resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd December 2019 were a true record. The Chairman duly signed and dated the Minutes.
Item 0120/07 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman reported that he had spoken with Mr Bromfield relating to the Jubilee Field and is awaiting the necessary paperwork to ensure that the land is transferred legally and correctly to the Parish.
Item 0120/08 Clerks Report
The Clerk reported receipt of the BT Kiosk adoption paperwork which was duly signed by the Chairman and will be returned to BT. In the CCT December Bulletin, there was an article on the Christmas Tree Recycling Project that the Youth Council designed and created at St. Peters Church.
Item 0120/09 Parish Councillor Reports
Cllr Mrs Poulter provided the Parish Council with Minutes from the Youth Council meetings, placed in the correspondence file for circulation. The next Youth Council meeting is on the 2nd February 2020. Cllr Mrs Poulter had made enquiries and obtained information on the provision of a defibrillator for the Parish. It was agreed that this would be best suited in the BT Kiosk.
Item 0120/10 Financial Matters
A) December Expenditure: None.
B) Budget/Precept 2020/2021: The Budget/Precept 2020/2021 statement was circulated, considered and discussed. It was proposed by Cllr Mr Duma that the Parish Precept for 2020/2021 be increased to £3,900. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Mrs Benton and resolved that the Parish Precept for 2020/2021 be £3,900.
C) The Christmas Get-Together Event raised at total of £153.91. It was agreed to donate to the North & South Communication of £25, the CCT £20 and the remaining amount of £108.91 to the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance.
Item 0120/11 Planning Matters
Item 0120/12 Highway/Lighting/Footpath Matters
There are a few potholes, particularly on the edges along Town Street. Cllr Mr Duma reported that two streetlight bulbs are out on Louth Road, numbers unknown. The numbers will be obtained and the defects reported to both LCC Highways and ELDC.
Item 0120/13 Jubilee Field & St. Peters Churchyard
No specific matters raised.
Item 0120/14 Reports From Outside Bodies
Item 0120/15 Next Meeting – Tuesday 4th February 2020
The next monthly Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th February 2020, commencing at 6:30pm at St. Peter’s Church, South Somercotes.
With there being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.22pm.