September 2020 Minutes

South Somercotes with Scupholme Fen Houses PARISH COUNCIL

Minutes of the Parish Council On-Line Meeting held on Tuesday 8th September 2020


Chairman           Cllr Mr David Poulter
Cllr Mrs Corinne Duma
Cllr Mr Igor Duma
Cllr Mrs Rowena Benton

Also, present:

Clerk    Ms Natalie Fenner

District & County Cllr  Mr Daniel McNally (7.03pm)

Members of Public        None

Item 0920/61   Chairman’s Welcome 

The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.35pm and welcomed everyone to the second Parish Council on-line meeting. There were no members of the public accessing the meeting on-line.

Item 0920/62 Apologies & Acceptance for Absence

District Cllr Mr Paul Rickett.

Item 0920/63 Police Matters   

No members of the Local Neighbourhood Policing Team were in attendance and no update or report has been received. No matters were raised.

Item 0920/64 District & County Councillor Updates

District & County Cllr Mr McNally Reported:

Housing Standards – Rental compliance notices have been and will be served to landlords to ensure the energy efficiency of rental properties is adequate.

Paper & Card Collection – A trial has been conducted in other districts which has been successful to the recycling process. This will be implemented for the whole of the county and will see a separate bin (purple) for this purpose. The collections will alternate between the normal grey recycling bin fortnightly collections.

A1031 – Tetney Road Works – Highway works will commence on the 28th September which will see the main road through Tetney along with certain side roads closed. This will be for two weeks, the road will be closed during the day.

Louth Road, Scupholme – The road has been marked out for temporary repairs again. Cllr McNally has met with the programme works manager and even though temporary repairs will be carried out , hopefully a permanent fix will be found but when is not known.

Item 0920/65 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with LGA 2011


Item 0920/66 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the meeting held on 4th August 2020

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Duma, seconded by Cllr Mrs Benton, and resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on the 4th August 2020 were a true record. The Chairman will sign the Minutes as a true record when appropriate to do so.

Item 0920/67 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported from Louth end entering South Somercotes, the tree on the left is obscuring the sign and the two 30mph signs the right hand-sign is visible and the left one is not. This is a hazard to road users. 

Item 0920/68 Clerks Report

The Clerk had no specific matters to report under this Item.

Item 0920/69 Parish Councillor Reports

Cllr Mrs Duma reported on the collection amount of £41.94 from the Book Stall. Since the start £286.99 has been raised. 

Cllr Mrs Duma has arranged with Mrs Day to take over the responsibility and will liaise with the Chairman accordingly. Cllr Mrs Duma was thanked for all her hard work and dealing with the Book Stall which has been a success.

Cllr Mr Duma advised that he and Cllr Mrs Duma will be stepping down and resigning from the Parish Council in due course due to moving home. Cllr Mrs Benton was sorry to hear the news and wished them Good Luck. The Chairman agreed and gave best wishes along with the Clerk.

Cllr Mrs Duma will return the keys held for the noticeboard and gate to the Chairman.

Item 0920/70 Financial Matters

September 2020 Expenditure: None. Income: To note the Book Stall amount kindly collected by 

Cllr Mrs Duma amounted to £41.94 and passed onto the Clerk for banking.

Item 0920/71 Planning Matters: To Consider the following Proposal: 

ELDC Ref: N/110/01435/20 – Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Proposal: Notice Under Article 38 of proposal for a Coastal Zone Local Development Order granting planning permission. 

Location: Land situated within Coastal East Lindsey as defined by SP17 of the adopted East Lindsey Local Plan 2018 Grid Ref: 550715354 385903.64

Cllr McNally explained the proposal which would see caravan parks remain open for the full twelve months due to the effect that COVID-19 has had on the Tourism sector. It was noted that the Caravan Club has different rules. 

The Parish Council agreed that the proposal would be beneficial to the local economy and no objections were raised. 

Item 0920/72 Highway/Lighting/Footpath Matters

No further matters were raised. See Item 0920/67 Chairman’s Report and update on Item 0920/64 County Cllr Report.

Item 0920/73 Jubilee Field & St. Peters Churchyard

The grass-cutting of the field and the churchyard is to continue as is at present. 

Storage of Equipment – Cllr Mr Duma explained that due to the house move, the facility to store the boxes containing the marquees etc. will not continue and will need to be stored elsewhere. 

The Chairman and Clerk will liaise and arrange for the collection of the equipment and to be stored with the Clerk.

Purchase of Tables – Cllr Mr Duma explained that the tables that are used at the fete known as ‘pig tables’ are no longer required and an offer to the Parish Council to be able to purchase the tables at a cost of £50 was made.

The Parish Council agreed and resolved to purchase the tables. Collection will be arranged and will be stored with the Clerk.
Item 0920/74 Reports From Outside Bodies

An entry for the October issue of the Communication magazine will be drafted to include the date of the next Parish Council meeting along with a note of urgent Parish Councillor vacancies that need to be filled in order for the Parish Council to continue within the Parish and not result in matters being dealt with by ELDC.

Item 0920/75 Next Meeting –  Tuesday 6th October 2020

The next monthly Parish Council Meeting will be held on-line on Tuesday 6th October 2020, commencing at 6:30pm.  

With there being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.17pm.