December 2021 Minutes
South Somercotes with Scupholme Fen Houses PARISH COUNCIL
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 7th December 2021 at St. Peter’s Church, Louth Road, South Somercotes
Chairman Cllr Mr David Poulter
Cllr Mrs Rowena Benton
Cllr Mrs Tracey Poulter
Cllr Mrs Pauline Jackson
Also Present:
District & County Cllr Mr Daniel McNally
District Cllr Mr Paul Rickett
Clerk Ms Natalie Daly
Members of Public None
Item 1221/100 Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.29pm and welcomed everyone to the monthly meeting.
Item 1221/101 Public Forum
No Member of the Public in Attendance and no Matters Raised under this Item.
Item 1221/102 Apologies & Acceptance for Absence
Apologies were received & accepted from the Vice-Chair, Cllr Mrs Denise Day.
Item 1221/103 Police Matters
PC Richard Precious had given his apologies for the meeting. Since the last meeting held, there has been no incidents reported to bring to the attention of the Parish Council and there are no concerns from PC Precious. There have been pockets of anti-social behaviour across the area covered and within that some criminal damage too but PC Precious gave assurance that there was nothing that would impact on the South Somercotes Parish.
Item 1221/104 District & County Councillor Updates
District Cllr Mr Rickett reported: Waste Collection Service – There will be a change to the next collection of Recycling Waste which will be collected earlier that the normal collection date. The calendar of collection dates is available on the ELDC website. NHS Consultation – Currently open for views on certain services e.g., Orthopaedics, Acute Services. Stopping Loan Sharks – An initiative to put a stop is currently running. Local Household Fund – Help with utility bills is available through ELDC to assist people in need that meet the criteria needed. Green Waste Collection – There will be an increase to the service, this will see a rise from £40 to £50 per year.
The Chairman enquired as to why Brickyard Lane has been re-surfaced when the bridge at the Billingsgate junction is still waiting for repair. County Cllr Mr McNally clarified that the works carried out on Brickyard Lane were jet-patching works and not a full re-surface of the road.
The plastic barriers in place are constantly blowing over causing more of a hazard along with the metal pipes sticking out is dangerous. Opposite on the Cloddygate side, the metal barrier has broken away too.
The condition of the A1031 towards Mablethorpe was raised. County Cllr Mr McNally confirmed that works have been scheduled for the end of next year.
County Cllr Mr McNally reported on: COVID Testing Buses that are targeting areas, presently at Lincoln. Public Health Report – An annual report showing the outcomes of local areas including deprivation and issues. An email link to the report will be sent to the Clerk.
Item 1221/105 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with LGA 2011
Item 1221/106 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the meeting held on 2nd November 2021
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Benton, seconded by Cllr Mrs Jackson and resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd November 2021 were a true record. The Chairman duly signed & dated the Minutes.
Item 1221/107 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman had looked into the purchase of a Water Boiler for the upcoming Christmas event along with future events to be held. It was Resolved to purchase the Water Boiler at a cost of £65.99.
Item 1221/108 Clerks Report
BT Kiosk – The Clerk gave an update, awaiting date from Northern PowerGrid for connection.
Item 1221/109 Parish Councillor Reports
Cllr Mrs Jackson enquired about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee to be held on the 3rd June 2022 and whether an event could be held in celebration. It was agreed that something should be organised and it would be placed on the January 2022 Agenda for discussion.
A neighbour had raised concerns to Cllr Mrs Jackson on the overgrown conifer hedge on the bends through South Somercotes. The hedge has overgrown onto the footpath which causes a hazard for pedestrians including Cllr Mrs Jackson who had a close encounter with oncoming traffic. It was though that Cllr Mrs Day had asked the owner of the property a few weeks prior about trimming the hedge back but as yet no action had been taken. The Chairman will speak to the owners to ask if they could trim the hedge back from the footpath.
Item 1221/110 Financial Matters
December 2021 Expenditure: £65.99 – To re-imburse the Chairman for the purchase of the Water Boiler. The purchase was proposed by Cllr Mrs Benton and seconded by Cllr Mrs Jackson.
Item 1221/111 Planning Matters
To Consider the Following ELDC Planning Application Received:
Ref: N/162/02355/21 Applicant: Mr C.A Copley
Planning Permission – Erection of 1no. Bungalow & Construction of a Vehicular Access
Location: Land Adjacent to Spring Cottage, Louth Road, South Somercotes, LN11 7BW
The Parish Council considered the application and there were no objections raised.
District & County Cllr Mr McNally along with District Cllr Mr Rickett then left the meeting at 7:07pm.
Item 1221/112 Highway/Lighting/Footpath Matters
No further matters raised.
Item 1221/113 Jubilee Field & St. Peters Churchyard
The Parish Council gave thanks to the people that attended to lay the Poppy Wreath on Remembrance Day. There was a good turnout and special thanks was given to Cllr Mrs Jackson who had kindly provided refreshments.
It was agreed to cease the grass cutting and review after the festive period. It would be asked if the church could have a whole cut before Christmas.
The Memorial Christmas tree along with other Christmas Trees and Decorations have been put up in the Church and thanks was given to all that helped.
It was agreed to purchase a meat hamper from Holmes Farm as a Raffle Prize for the Christmas Get-Together and set-up will be from 1pm.
Item 1221/114 Reports From Outside Bodies
No further matters raised.
Item 1221/115 Next Meeting – Tuesday 4th January 2022
The next monthly Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th January 2022, commencing at 6:30pm.
The meetings will be held on a Face-to-Face basis at St. Peters Church, Louth Rd. Face Coverings are advisable to still be worn but can be removed once seated and Social Distancing adhered too.
With there being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.15pm.