September 2021 Minutes

South Somercotes with Scupholme Fen Houses PARISH COUNCIL

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 7th September 2021 at St. Peter’s Church, Louth Road, South Somercotes


Chairman           Cllr Mr David Poulter
Cllr Mrs Rowena Benton
Cllr Mrs Pauline Jackson

Also, present:

Clerk    Ms Natalie Fenner

District & County Cllr     Mr Daniel McNally 

District Cllr        Mr Paul Rickett (6:56pm – 7:19pm)

Members of Public    None

Item 0921/52   Chairman’s Welcome 

The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.28pm and welcomed everyone to the monthly meeting. 

Item 0921/53 Public Forum

No Matters Raised.

Item 0921/54 Apologies & Acceptance for Absence

Apologies were received & accepted from the Vice-Chair, Cllr Mrs Denise Day and Cllr Mrs Tracey Poulter. District Cllr Mr Rickett had given his apologies that he would be late attending but would try to make the meeting if possible.

Item 0921/55 Police Matters   

No members of the Local Neighbourhood Policing Team were in attendance. No matters were raised. 

Item 0921/56 District & County Councillor Updates

District & County Cllr Mr McNally reported on: Afghan Relocation Scheme – Lincolnshire will see an estimated 100 applications which would be made near to transport links.  Devolution – Was previously a major thing but is totally different now combing Lincolnshire, North & North East Lincolnshire. Working together to share services, no more funding but might bring more power. May alter Health Services set-up. Cllr Mrs Benton advised that many people are aware that travel to alternative hospitals i.e. Castle Hill, Hull or Nottingham. Louth Hospital – Bid upgrade to hospital equipment. Will not close but specialist services could be located at alternative hospitals.

The Chairman enquired about the proposed siting of a Nuclear Waste site at Theddlethorpe. It was felt that the decision would be made by Government and would go ahead anyway. Cllr Mr McNally explained that it is a different process to a planning application and depending on the electoral boundaries, each resident within the boundary would have a yes or no vote. The majority would decide. 

HGV Driver Shortage – May have an effect on school transport, needing drivers to help. Some Waste Collection services have been affected but not in this area.

The grant fund money allocated of £1,000 by ELDC has now been processed. Confirmation that the funds have been paid into the Parish Council account will be checked as no remittance advice had been received.

6:56pm: District Cllr Mr Rickett reported on the proposed siting of a Nuclear Waste site at Theddlethorpe giving both negative and positive points of view. Reported on the latest COVID figures for the area and the pressures on the NHS were high-lighted by the Chairman. There is a blue/green algae reported at Sutton on Sea. No time slots now need to be booked at the Recycling Centres. Fly-tipping hotspots, not within the immediate area along with charges at outside Recycling Centres were briefly discussed.

Item 0921/57 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with LGA 2011


County Cllr Mr McNally then left the meeting at 6:49pm.

Item 0921/58 A) To Resolve as Minutes the record of the meeting held on 6th July 2021

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Benton, seconded by Cllr Mrs Jackson and resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on the 6th July 2021 were a true record. The Chairman duly signed and dated the Minutes as a true record.

Item 0921/59 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman had no specific matters to report under this Item. 

Item 0921/60 Clerks Report

The electricity for the phone box is still being dealt with in order to install a defibrillator.

Item 0921/61 Parish Councillor Reports

Cllr Mrs Jackson kindly offered to organise the Remembrance Sunday event, arranging refreshments. This will be held on Sunday 14th November 2021 at St. Peter’s Church. A Poppy Wreath will be laid and refreshments available afterwards in the Church. 

Cllr Mrs Jackson proposed that the Parish Council support and encourage the idea of asking residents of the Parish to bring some festive cheer this Christmas by lighting up their front garden with Christmas Lights or a display like last year. The Parish Council agreed and a note will be placed in the Communication.

Item 0921/62 Financial Matters

August/September 2021 Expenditure: No expenditure to be approved.

District Cllr Mr Rickett left the meeting at 7:19pm.

Item 0921/63 Planning Matters: To Note the Full Planning Permission Granted by ELDC:

Ref: N/162/00834/21  Applicant: Mr M Clover C/o Lincs Consultancy Ltd
Proposal: Planning Permission – Proposed Holiday Cottage (already constructed) 
Location: Beachside Stud, Warren Road, North Somercotes, LN11 7RA

The Parish Council noted the Full Planning Permission Granted.

Item 0921/64 Highway/Lighting/Footpath Matters

Cllr Mrs Benton reported that the footpaths have yet to be repaired on East Row or on Town St. 

New Street Name Plate signs have been erected on East Row & Town Street. 

Item 0921/65 Jubilee Field & St. Peters Churchyard

It was agreed that the grass-cutting would continue as normal at present. The grass at the Churchyard appeared quite long and it would be asked if a cut could be carried out sooner.

Item 0921/66 Reports From Outside Bodies

An entry to the Communication will be made to confirm the date, time and location of the next meeting along with notification of the Remembrance Sunday event and Christmas Festive Lights.

Item 0921/67 Next Meeting – Tuesday 5th October 2021

The next monthly Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th October 2021, commencing at 6:30pm.

The meetings will be held on a Face-to-Face basis at St. Peters Church, Louth Rd. Face Coverings are advisable to still be worn but can be removed once seated and Social Distancing adhered too.

With there being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7:24pm.