October 2021 Minutes

South Somercotes with Scupholme Fen Houses PARISH COUNCIL

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 5th October 2021 at St. Peter’s Church, Louth Road, South Somercotes


Chairman           Cllr Mr David Poulter
Vice-Chairman   Cllr Mrs Denise Day
Cllr Mrs Rowena Benton
Cllr Mrs Tracey Poulter
Cllr Mrs Pauline Jackson

Also, present:

Clerk    Ms Natalie Daly

Members of Public    None

Item 1021/68   Chairman’s Welcome 

The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.27pm and welcomed everyone to the monthly meeting. 

Item 1021/69 Public Forum

No Matters Raised.

Item 1021/70 Apologies & Acceptance for Absence

Apologies were received & accepted from District & County Cllr Mr Daniel McNally and District Cllr Mr Paul Rickett.

Item 1021/71 Police Matters   

No members of the Local Neighbourhood Policing Team were in attendance. No matters were raised. 

Item 1021/72 District & County Councillor Updates

Apologies had been received and no matters reported or raised.

Item 1021/73 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with LGA 2011


Item 1021/74 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the meeting held on 7th September 2021

A slight typing error to Item 0921/61 month of September stated and should be November. The Minutes will be amended. It was then proposed by Cllr Mrs Benton, seconded by Cllr Mrs Jackson and resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on the 7th September 2021 were a true record. The Chairman will sign the Minutes once amended and re-printed.

Item 1021/75 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman had no specific matters to report under this Item. 

Item 1021/76 Clerks Report

BT Kiosk – The Clerk reported on the communication between BT and Northern Power Grid. BT will not allow the use of their MPAN number and therefore the Parish Council will need to obtain their own MPAN number for the Kiosk. An application has been made and currently awaiting a date for re-connection. 

Item 1021/77 Parish Councillor Reports

The Vice-Chair Cllr Mrs Day suggested that once the defibrillator has been installed that a training event is organised for councillors and residents to attend should they wish to do so. 

Cllr Mrs Jackson reported on the Village Communication and how many people may just scan the magazine and not know about events being held. Possible more advertisement on social media may be helpful. Cllr Mrs Poulter will post events on Facebook. 

Item 1021/78 Financial Matters

October 2021 Expenditure: No expenditure to be approved. The Chairman requested statements for each account for the next meeting. Book Stall Amount £8.12.

Item 1021/79 Planning Matters

No Planning Matters.

Item 1021/80 Highway/Lighting/Footpath Matters

The Footpaths on East Row and Town Street have yet to be repaired. Cllr Mrs Benton reported on the deep dip along Est Row at the Chatterton end.

Item 1021/81 Jubilee Field & St. Peters Churchyard

It was agreed that the grass-cutting would continue as normal and be reviewed at the end of October/November 2021. 

Cllr Mrs Benton will organise the Poppy Wreath.

The date of the Christmas Get-Together Event at St. Peters Church was agreed for Sunday 19th December 2021. Raffle Prizes donations to be passed to the Vice-Chair, Cllr Mrs Day and Cllr Mrs Poulter. It was agreed that the money raised would be donated to the Air Ambulance/CCT and the Village Communication. Decoration of St. Peters Church was planned for the 5th December 2021. 

Item 1021/82 Reports From Outside Bodies

An entry to the Communication will be made to confirm the date, time and location of the next meeting along with notification of the Remembrance Sunday event, Christmas Festive Lights and the Christmas Get-Together Event with a request for donations.

Item 1021/83 Next Meeting – Tuesday 5th October 2021

The next monthly Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 2nd November 2021, commencing at 6:30pm.

The meetings will be held on a Face-to-Face basis at St. Peters Church, Louth Rd. Face Coverings are advisable to still be worn but can be removed once seated and Social Distancing adhered too.

With there being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 6.47pm.