November 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 5 November 2024 atSt. Peter's Church, Louth Road, South Somercotes

Item 1124/45 Welcome to the meeting: Chair opened meeting at 17.59 and welcomed the councillors, public and district councillors.

Chair invited Cllr Ricketts to speak: 18.01

  • Cllr has been absent due to ill health however has been involved with Security panel in helping to reduce CO2 omissions in Easy Lindsey.
  • New pelican crossing to go outside Aldi
  • Council is offering digital inclusivity sessions for residents on 8 November between 10 – 12 at Meridale, Sutton-on-sea
  • The street light are not being turned off in parish as a deterrent antisocial behaviour

Chair invited Cllr McNally to speak

  • Lincoln castle wall walk will open from 29 November more details LINCOLN CASTLE ILLUMINATED – Lincoln Castle
  • The previous grant for free trees has now been fulfilled but a further grant will be announced shortly and we will be kept informed.
  • Devolution plan has been approved and there will be a Mayor for Greater Lincolnshire

Ends 18.10

Item 1124/46 Apologies for absence received and approve: None   

Item 1124/47 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations: None

Item 1124/48 To approve as correct records the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 3 September 2024 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.

Item 1124/49 Training – Staff and elected Members To receive the latest training availability via the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) and consider and book relevant places for staff and elected Members. Clerk to attend VAT training

Item 1124/50 Future Events Update – review of the current and future events for the parish:

As per the discussions from last meeting that all future events will be review  once we recruit new councillors or volunteers. Remembrance Day Event 10 November – wreath laying and refreshments and Christmas Event 15 December – refreshments and raffle with gift stalls for parishioners to purchase gifts. Cake donations welcome.

VE Day 8 May on agenda for next meeting.

Item 1124/51 Parish Matters:

  1. Street furniture and dog waste bin – Application done. South Field Lane (Green Lane) droppings parish magazine pick up after yourself
  2. Risk assessment – church assessment done
  3. Gates of church entrance/ graveyard – the Gates need to be rehung, and quotes have been sought, we have had two Quotes from AGB Builders £125 and Dave Hobson £75. Proposed that we accept Mr Hobson seconded and RESOLVED.
  4. Jubilee Field – Parish has been approached by the solicitors that represent Mr Bromfield who owns the field and has kindly leased it to the parish for £1 per year, to be paid every ten years from 23 April 2012  to be reviewed in 30 years. The next payment of £10 will be due on 23 April 2032
  5. AGAR – The final report and certificate has been issued to the parish.
  6. Grant funding - Councillors' Community Grant REF 24-36 was available to the parish, an application was made to buy two bleed kits for £204 which was successful, these will be added to the defibrillators boxes in the village.
  7. Christmas Trees – propose to purchase two Christmas trees for the parish at £65 each seconded and RESOLVED.

Item 1124/52 Correspondence: To receive and dispose of correspondence received since the last meeting.

A letter from the owners the solicitor’s regrading Jubilee Field has been received clarifying the status by which it is leased to the parish for parishioners use.

Parishioners have approached councillors about an individual on land recently purchased on East Row. The Chair has contacted councillor Daniel McNally for clarification on various points of concern and his response is:

  • Planning - A planning enforcement officer has been and visited the site on a couple of occasions, unfortunately they have not been able to speak with anyone. They will be visiting again at some point.
  • Water - I have spoken to LCC Fire and Rescue and if it is their hydrant they will need some details of time / date and reg number (not suggesting anyone goes and gets pictures or videos). If the water hydrant is Anglian water then that should be reported to them.
  • Sewage - This needs to be reported to the  environment agency, although I am led to believe this has already occurred.
  • Representative needed to attend the Police Consultation review on 16 January 2025 via Teams Cllr Lewis volunteered. Details to be forwarded.

Item 1124/53 Future meeting dates: Next meeting Tuesday 7 January 2025 at 6pm.

Item 1124/54 Financial matters

  1. To note bank balances on bank statements as on 19 October 2024: £11,337.43
  2. To note income £24.00 (Clerk expenses shared with Skidbrooke PC), £204.00 (Grant Funding)
  3. To authorise the signing of orders for payment for July/ August 2024


Payment To

Expenditure Details



Binal Sawjani

Printer Ink



Binal Sawjani

Expenses Claim: Mileage



Binal Sawjani

Salary to the PC



D. Hobson

Grass Cutting



D. Hobson

Church Path



D. Hobson

Grass Cutting



Nick Cook

Grass Cutting




Employee NI



D. Hobson

Grass Cutting


Meeting ended 18.37