February 2024 Minutes

South Somercotes Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 19 February 2024 at St. Peter's Church, Louth Road, South Somercotes


Chair   Cllr Mr Antony Baker
Vice-Chair   Cllr Mrs Nicola Barton
Cllr Mr David Poulter
Cllr Mrs Denise Day
Cllr Mr Brian Lewis
Cllr Miss Julie Stretton

Also Present:

Clerk   Mrs Binal Sawjani

Members of Public    4 members of the Public

District/County   Cllr Mr Daniel McNally

Item 0224/01 Welcome to the Meeting: Chair opened meeting at 17.59 and welcomed the public and introduced the new Parish Clerk.

Item 0224/02 Public forum when members of the public may raise items relevant to the meeting or the parish: 

A parishioner raised the proposed erection of pylons as part of the National Grid project in the Lincolnshire Countryside. A general discussion occurred and the Chairman agreed to make information available via village magazine, poster for noticeboard and Facebook. The Council add the subject to the agenda for next meeting. Chair asked Cllr Lewis to ascertain the size of the pylons and report back at the next meeting.

Parking on the Footpaths - There was a complaint that some residents were parking on pavements. It was suggested that the community police might be persuaded to look at the problem but it was felt that would not be considered a priority. The Council would mention the problem in the village magazine and local community police could be invited our council meetings. 

Council Meeting commencement: 18.08

Item 0224/03 Apologies for absence received and approve: Apologies received and accepted from Cllr Rickett

Item 0224/04 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations: None

Item 0224/05 To adopt Standing Orders/Financial Regulations/Code of Conduct/Complaints Policy/Equal Opportunities Policy: Policies adopted

Item 0224/06 To approve the draft notes as minutes of the last meeting held on the 15 January 2024: It was RESOLVED to adopt and sign the notes as accurate minutes, and they were dated and signed by the Chairman.

Item 0224/07 Parish Councillors: Reports / Matters to Raise/Training:

Four councillors have undertaken the new councillors training and clerk has completed new clerk training. Chair and clerk are undertaking Effective Meetings training. Clerk is also signed up for End of year and audit process. Chair is signed up for Effective chair. Clerk requested to undertake Jadu training which is the language and design of website.  This was proposed and seconded and RESOLVED

Item 0224/07 a) Hedge cutting – A hedge cutting request had been made to a parishioner whose hedge was obstructing the footpath. However he had indicated he could not cut it back as birds were nesting. We would make a second request as hedges were allowed to be cut up to the end of February if those cutting hedges were careful.   Cllr Poulter to report back.

Item 0224/07 b) Street furniture and dog waste bin – There was uncertainty as to whether an application for an additional dog waste bin had been forwarded. Clerk to check. Regarding convex traffic mirror at Billingsgate corner, ELDC did not distribute them so it was proposed that the Council look at the logistics and the possibility of purchasing our own mirror. Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED Cllr Day to report back. 

Item 0224/07 c) Defibrillator - The defibrillator in heated storage box has been installed in the telephone box in Town Street complete with PIR lights and it is now on the national register. Parishioners have been informed via Facebook. The Council may be able to obtain another defibrillator via East Midlands Ambulance Service. Enquiries were continuing with the possibility of its erection at the property of parishioner Brain Tattersall at Billingsgate. Once both machines are in place training would be provided for parishioners. To be resolved at next meeting. The old defib box was now available for sale at circ. £300/350  Possibly advertised in Communication magazine and Clerk to add to the clerk network group. 

Item 0224/07 d) Grass cutting – Various quotes have been sought for the grass cutting for Jubilee field and churchyard. It has been difficult to get quotes as previous suppliers are busy with other work and South Somercotes parish council has not always paid on time. Jubilee Field - Nick Cook has quoted £100 plus VAT for each cut and the Chair would monitor this as he lives close by. This was proposed and seconded and RESOLVED. Churchyard – Pride of Lincolnshire have cut the grass in the churchyard as a one off, this is part of a neighbourhood services initiative to help raise the appearance of our towns and villages, and tackle some of the more difficult community tasks. Thanks were sent to the team for cleaning up the church yard. David Hobson had quoted £3,500 to be paid in monthly instalments for as many cuts as needed. This was proposed, seconded, and RESOLVED. A request was to be made to avoid trampling on any wild flowers and not  to use weed killer on the whole churchyard - only on graves and around them. The grass in cut so fine that it remains in the churchyard in the top far corner. 

Item 0224/07 e) Church lighting – defer to April/May meeting. There have been issue in getting in touch with the main contact. Concerns about subsidence and bowing of church door will be raised. 

Item 0224/07 f) Heating and Storage – The Church Conservation Trust has given permission for the Council to use a space heater to heat the church. This has been purchased and the gas bottle will be stored in the church with chain until the south facing door can be unlocked to allow the gas to be stored outside. There has been a tidy up in the church and items not required have been disposed of at the tip. The purchase of a £160 storage unit to house other items was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED.

Item 0224/07 g) Insurance – As a council it is mandatory we have insurance. No paperwork was found. Insurance company was called on separate occasions and only a quote was received. Under the emergency power assigned to clerk insurance was sought and taken out. Obtained quotes from Gallagher £618.89 CLEAR £480.08 and Zurich £277.00. The Zurich quote met our needs and has been purchased and a copy of the schedule is available on the website. Zurich requires council to undertake a risk assessment for our churchyard and events. Tip test on the gravestone needs to be undertaken. Does the churchyard need a sign to say that the grave stone is a trip hazard. Cllr Lewis to check

Item 0224/07 h) IT, website, email address – New laptop has been purchased for the clerk in the new role for use for all South Somercotes council business. The website is currently being updated to comply with current legislation. This is an ongoing process. All councillors have been issued with their own .gov.uk. It is strongly advised that this email is used for council business under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 as if personal emails are used then your emails could be scrutinised. 

Item 0224/07 i) Social Media report – Facebook page is up running. Parishioners and councillors are urged to ‘like and comment’ on posts. The medium will allow us to keep our parishioners abreast of council business, information and news. Village magazine will be updated ongoing monthly basis.

Cllr Poulter interrupted meeting by asking when the our district councillor could provide his report. Chair agreed to Cllr McNally to provide update. From next meeting this will take place after the public forum before the start of the council meeting. 

1.   Cllr McNally recommended that we object as a council to the National Grid pylons project. 

2.   Parking consultation Cornmarket/Mercer Road in Louth https://www.letstalk.lincolnshire.gov.uk/louth

3.   Batteries – do not dispose of them in normal waste bin as has caused fire in the area.

4.   Other items to be sent by email.

Item 0224/08 Financial matters: Account management and financial planning needs to be rigorous and as the new clerk settles into new role processes will be put in place to make the parish robust.

Item 0224/08 a) Current payments to be approved and bank reconciliation: New expenditure spreadsheet in place for expenditure since last council meeting. Signed by Chair and vice chair with all invoices. Expenses to be approved are raised and resolved. Two invoices this for LALC training £120.00 and membership £90.02. Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED

Once we have full site of the bank account reconciliation will be provided.

Account balance £16,746.61 18 January 2024

Item 0224/08 b) Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) – Forms for 2022/23 have been circulated with as much information that has been available and we have an internal audit scheduled on 21 February 2024. Once we have audit we will need to have an extraordinary meeting to minute that the council can authorise the AGAR. The minute number needs to be included in the form. In future years this will be completed in time with the measures that the clerk will put into place. 

Item 0224/08 c) Update on bank accounts – The three bank accounts have been collated into one account. There have been numerous exchanges with the bank via letter, telephone and in person to gain two new signatories for Cllr Baker and Cllr Lewis. This has been resolved and we are waiting for confirmation on for online banking and clerk will have sight of account. Propose to open a savings account for some of the balance of our reserves. 

Item 0224/08 d) Expenses – Clerk has introduced a expenses sheet for claims and mileage. To be circulated to councillors via an online link and then mailed to the clerk for processing.

Item 0224/08 e) Election fine – Invoice form East Lindsey for an uncontested Election.   

Item 0224/08 f) Precept 2024-25 – Completed and acknowledged by Public Sector Partnership

Item 0224/09 Future Events: Working parties need to be setup to work out the feasibility of running the proposed events in this annual year. Cllr Stretton, Cllr Lewis and Cllr Baker volunteered.  No other Cllrs showed interest. All three events to be reviewed and findings reported back at the next council meeting to give enough time to promote them locally. Via Facebook and Communication magazine The Council would ask for volunteers to assist. Events proposed were: 

a)   D Day, Thursday 6 June 2024 

b)   Dog Show 

c)   Summer Fete 

Cllr McNally left 19.17

Item 0224/10 To consider and approve arrangements for the following items:

a)   Website – This is an ongoing task and would like to advise council that five years records will be uploaded on the website and as we continue and review policies and procedures items will be updated. Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED

Item 0224/11 Planning Application: No new applications. 

Application approved Date received 04/12/2023  Application Number N/162/02340/2

Item 0224/12 Correspondence: Facebook message from parishioner received as a thank you to the council for attending to the churchyard so that a grave could be seen.

Item 0224/13 Clerk appreciation: Thank you to Ms Lainey Simpson who stepped in at short notice on a temporary basis to help the council. Clerk to send a note as this was much appreciated. Thanks was extended to new clerk for work undertaken this month. 

Item 0224/14 To note the date of the next meeting and suggest items for the agenda for the next meeting: Next meeting 4 March 2024, following month 4 April 2024.

Meeting ended 19.27