March 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 4 March 2024 at
St. Peter's Church, Louth Road, South Somercotes
Present: Chair Cllr Mr Antony Baker
Vice-Chair Cllr Mrs Nicola Barton
Cllr Mr David Poulter
Cllr Mrs Denise Day
Cllr Mr Brian Lewis
Cllr Miss Julie Stretton
Also Present: Clerk Mrs Binal Sawjani
Members of Public 4 members of the Public
District/County Cllr Mr Daniel McNally
Item 0324/01 Welcome to the meeting: Chair opened meeting at 18.00 and welcomed the public – no comments from the public. Cllr McNally was not present this point and Chair invited him to speak later in the meeting.
Council Meeting commences 18.04
Item 0324/02 Apologies for absence received and approve: Apologies received and accepted from Cllr Rickett
Item 0324/03 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations: Cllr Day needs to complete form. Clerk has given a copy to Cllr.
Item 0324/04 AGAR Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2022/23: Forms: Internal audit completed and forms need to be signed and sent to the external auditors. It was RESOLVED to adopt and sign the forms.
Item 0324/05 To adopt Standing Orders/Financial Regulations/Code of Conduct/Complaints Policy/Equal Opportunities Policy: Policies adopted
Item 0324/06 To approve the draft notes as minutes of the last meeting held on the 19 February 2024: It was RESOLVED to adopt and sign the notes as accurate minutes, and they were dated and signed by the Chairman.
Item 0324/07 Financial matters: approve expenditure:
a) Bank balances 19 February 2024 £16,746.61
b) Expenses: noticeboard, filing cabinet, concave mirror and post, pir solar lights for churchyard. All expenses were proposed and seconded and RESOLVED. Filing cabinet will be purchased if needed by the clerk defer until May meeting
c) Bank Account and online banking update. The bank has been quite challenging and we have attempted on add Cllr to account with online banking status. However, this has proved to be extremely difficult and a formal complaint has been made on behalf of the parish. The Chair explained that an application to Unity Trust Bank has been made for current and savings account. This was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED.
Chair invited Cllr McNally to speak:
• Extra funding will be available as we come to the end of the financial year approx. increase of 5%
• More guidance and funds available for areas that have drainage issues and are at risk of funding
• Monies that had been earmarked for HS2 £37 million could be available via Highways.
Item 0324/08 Training Update: Chair has undertaken training for the role. Strongly advise councillors to take as much training as possible as we have paid into the LALC training scheme.
Item 0324/09 Future Events Update: In planning stage and will keep council informed however the dates have been agreed. Commemoration of D Day 8 June; Dog Show 29 September; Summer Fete 18 August; Annual Parish Meeting 18 May.
Item 0324/10 Parish Matters:
a) National grid – pylons – Information has been sent out to the residents. Discussion of pylons of which the height is 50 meters. Closing day for consultation is 13 March.
b) Hedge cutting – Cllr has tried to speak to the resident but they were not in and he is going to try again.
Cllr McNally left 19.17
c) Street furniture and dog waste bin – the dog waste bin application has been found Cllr McNally will see of a copy was sent by previous clerk.
d) Defibrillator – no information or date for second defib - deferred
e) Footpath – parking - Community police has been contacted.
f) Meeting: Church Trust - 10 April midday all invited.
g) Church storage and locks – In the church but needs locks this was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED.
h) Rails of church entrance – needs repair , to require quotes for next meeting
i) Insurance: risk assessment/register and signage - insurance company has been called and a risk assessment needs to be carried out. Then we can decide if signs need to be erected or any action. The insurance and LALC have guidance on conducting and recording risk assessments.
Item 0324/11 Correspondence: Acknowledgement of complaint to HSBC
Item 0324/12 Future meeting dates: Agreed that we would schedule and advertise next three meeting dates and then go to bimonthly meetings. 4 April 2024, 20 May, 24 June.
Item 0324/13 Closed Session not required as a staffing committee needs to be setup to oversee employee matters.
Meeting ended 19.07