April 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 4 April 2024 at St. Peter's Church, Louth Road, South Somercotes


Present:                            Chair                                Cllr Mr Antony Baker
                                           Vice-Chair                       Cllr Mr Brian Lewis (new elected) 
                                                                                    Cllr Mr David Poulter
                                                                                    Cllr Miss Julie Stretton

Also Present:                    Clerk                               Mrs Binal Sawjani                     

                                           Members of Public      1 members of the Public

                                           District/County             None                                                                            

Item 0424/01 Welcome to the meeting: Chair opened meeting at 18.03 and welcomed the public and invited any comments.

Parishioner expressed objection to the front of St Peters Church been driven over and over again to cause unsightly tyre marks. Cllr apologised and explained that they had needed to get as close to the church door to off load items for a event for the parish later in the year.

Council Meeting commences 18.05

Item 0424/02 Apologies for absence received and approve: Apologies received and accepted from Cllr Rickett

Item 0424/03 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations: None

Item 0424/04 To approve the draft notes as minutes of the last meeting held on the 4 March 2024: It was RESOLVED to adopt and sign the notes as accurate minutes, and they were dated and signed by the Chairman.

Item 0424/05 Clerk Report: Clerk regretted to report that they had two councillors resign this month. The chairman had accepted the resignations and wish both councillors well. Clerk has informed East Lindsey District Council (ELDC). A new vice-chair was elected Cllr Lewis this was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED.

Item 0424/06 AGAR Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2022/23: All forms have been submitted to the external auditors and notice posted for parishioners. Additional information was required and we are awaiting final confirmation from the auditors. Clerk aim is to book the internal audit for 2023/24 by the next meeting.

Item 0424/07 Revised ELDC Code of Conduct: To consider the recommendation of the Parish Clerk regarding the adoption of the updated Member Code of Conduct to ensure consistency with the revised and approved East Lindsey District Council Code of Conduct. This was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED

Item 0424/08 Policy Adoption: To receive, consider and adopt revised and updated Standing Orders, Financial Regulations Complaints Policy and Equal Opportunities Policy. Policies adopted and Clerk has proposed that we review pollicises throughout the year.

Item 0424/09 Expenses: To receive and note expenses for the following items: None

Item 0424/10 Bank Account and online banking: To receive an update from the Parish Clerk in respect of the recent changes to the Parish Councils bank accounts, bank mandate and online access. Online access has been granted. Online transaction has been completed. Standing order for payments has been setup.

Item 0424/11 Training – Staff and elected Members: To receive the latest training availability via the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) and consider and book relevant places for staff and elected Members. Two Cllr requested to book onto Chairs training.

Item 0424/12 Future Events Update: Annual Parish Meeting  Saturday 18 May 2024 2pm with clubs and societies and refreshments for the parishioners. Commemoration of D Day 8 June, Summer Fete 18 August and Dog Show 29 September information to follow in May meeting.

Item 0424/13 Parish Matters To receive updates from in respect of:

  1. Hedge cutting – Nothing further to report
  2. Defibrillator – Second defib in the village end of Billingsgate. Chair is looking to organise CPR training for the parishioners.
  3. Street furniture and dog waste bin – No district Cllr, the clerk will chased this up with ELDC
  4. Footpath and parking – Cllr reported that police no longer attend parish meetings and they will endeavour to send relevant information to be shared with parishioners each meeting. The parish cannot act on behalf of parishioners regarding footpaths as it is a Highways department therefore will  refer this back to Cllr McNally. We can report on parked cars to the police if incidents are serious but we have refrained from this option and will continue to monitor.
  5. Rails of church entrance – Quotes are being obtained which have been high and awaiting a third quote and meeting with the Church Trust to see if we qualify for funding. Quotes: Mick Colebrook £2,100, David Hobson £325, awaiting a final quote. Proposed that we look at the front area of the church as it has been raised by parishioner.
  6. Risk Assessment – Assessments to be undertaken as part of the working parties for the events. Clerk has sent risk assessment templates and helpful information to Cllrs.

Item 0424/14 Correspondence:

  1. Update on the Pylons Grimsby to Walpole 172 notice received stating that the first stage of the public consultation is closed and review and then proposals for environmental and design related surveys.  Landowners will be consulted as some of these survey may be intrusive. More information www.nationalgrid.com/g-w
  2. Notification of traffic restriction in our parish and sister parishes of North Somercotes and Skidbrooke these are due to installation of fibre broadband during the period of 22 April to 17 May and diversion routes will be signposted detailing the accurate times dates and times.

Road closure order

North Somercotes: Ark Road; Marsh Lane; South Road; Church End; Barrowgate Lane

South Somercotes: East Row; Town Street; Mill Lane; Skidbrooke Road; Ings Lane

Skidbrooke: Owes Lane

Item 0424/15 Future meeting dates: To note the date of the next meeting 20 May, 24 June.

Item 0424/16 Financial matters:

  1. Bank balances 19 March 2024 £16,279.14
  2. To note income for February 2024 from HSBC £50 – goodwill payment
  3. To authorise the signing of orders for payment for March 2024

Meeting ended 18.34