October 2023 Minutes

South Somercotes with Scupholme Fen Houses PARISH COUNCIL

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 30th October 2023 at St. Peter’s Church, Louth Road, South Somercotes


Chair    Cllr Mr Daniel McNally       
Cllr Mr Paul Rickett
Cllr Mr Edward Mossop

Also Present:


Ms Natalie Daly

Members of Public    There were 12 members of the Public in attendance.

LALC Locum Clerk:   Mr Andrew Everard

Item 1023/70   Election of New Chair and Signing the Declaration of Acceptance of Office 

Mr David Poulter (Last Elected Chairman) opened the meeting and requested an Election of a new Chairman. Cllr Mr McNally explained that as no person(s) stood for the local parish election held, an order by ELDC was made to appointment three local District Councillors was made. Cllr Mr McNally, Cllr Rickett and Cllr Mossop. 

Cllr Mossop nominated Cllr Mr McNally to be Chairman for this meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Rickett. Cllr Mr McNally duly accepted and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

Item 1023/71 Chairman’s Welcome and Remarks

The Chairman gave thanks to Cllr Mr Mossop and Cllr Mr Rickett.

Item 1023/72 Public Forum 

Mrs Wells reported that she had spoken to the North Somercotes Parish Clerk who was willing to give help where needed but would be unable to take on the position of Parish Clerk for South Somercotes Parish Council.

Mr Lewis enquired if there was a map of the Parish available. The Chairman confirmed that there are Ordnance Survey maps available on-line and there are also election maps.

Apologies were given from Mrs Pauline Jackson in not being able to attend this meeting.

Item 1023/72 Apologies & Acceptance for Absence


Item 1023/73 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with LGA 2011


Item 1023/74 To adopt Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Code of Conduct and Complaints Policy

It was resolved to delay the approval until the next Parish Council meeting.

Item 1023/75 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the meeting held on the 1st May 2023

It was proposed by the Chair, seconded by attendees present and resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on the 1st May 2023 were a true record. The Chair duly signed and dated the Minutes as a true record.

Item 1023/76 Consideration and Approval of Candidates Applying for Co-option and their Signing of Acceptance of Office

The Chairman explained that there are seven seats available on the Parish Council. At present three seats had been appointed to the District Councillors to ensure that the Parish Council could still continue. There had been 6 applications received and had been considered. Applicants were present at the meeting and the applicants stood and gave details on their status within the village and experience. Nominations were put forward for Mr Poulter, Mrs Day, Mrs Barton and Mr Lewis. It was unanimously resolved to approve these applications. The applicants were voted onto the Parish Council and invited to sit on the Parish Council with an immediate effect. 

A declaration of Pecuniary Interests Form was given to each new councillor along with an Acceptance of Office which were duly signed.

Cllr Mr Mossop and Cllr Rickett then stepped down from the Parish Council.

It was then resolved to appoint the remaining applicants, Mrs Stretton and Mr Baker onto the Parish Council. A declaration of Pecuniary Interest along with an Acceptance of Office were duly signed.

The Chairman collected the Pecuniary Interests Forms and will take to ELDC to be processed and held on record.

Item 1023/77 Financial Matters

A)   The Clerk went through the current Budget and Spending to Date. The Insurance for the Parish Council is due, quotes have been obtained and will be presented at the next meeting for payment. 

B)   No current payments were due.

C)   Bank Account Signatories – Two of the Parish Councillors are currently signatories, new forms will be obtained to add new Parish Councillors to the bank account along with removal of existing signatories that are no longer on the Parish Council.

Cllr Mrs Day advised that £20 had been passed onto the Church Warden to be donated to the Churches Conservation Trust. Book Stall money that had been collected amounting to £20 was being held at present by Cllr Mrs Day.

Item 1023/78 Consideration and Approval of the Following Items:

•   Website Management – Mr Everard explained the options and costs involved for Website Management via LALC. Having a website is a statutory obligation. It was proposed by Cllr Mr Lewis, seconded by Cllr Mr Baker and resolved to proceed for the website to be managed at the Premium Package, £85 per year and Mr Everard will make the necessary arrangements. 
•   Emails & Records Management – A gov.email address were discussed and further enquiries will be made into the process and costs involved.
•   Grass-Cutting – The Jubilee Field is still being cut by Tudor Grounds Maintenance. However, they have notified the Parish Council that they are no longer able to manage the grass-cutting required at St. Peters Church. Enquiries, following a recommendation via Fotherby Parish Council have been made and a quote has been requested.
•   Training/Induction – Mr Everard advised of the Training available via LALC to Parish Councillors. 
•   Laptop and Employee Equipment – There is no equipment owned by the Parish Council. The Clerk has been using own laptop and printer for the Parish Council.

Item 1023/79 To Receive and Note Correspondence

ELDC are conducting a Local Plan Review. A spreadsheet had been sent through to be updated where necessary to confirm the services and facilities within South Somercotes. Currently, South Somercotes is classed as a Hamlet. The Services and Facilities were discussed, details will be updated accordingly and returned to ELDC.

Item 1023/80 Next Meeting and Suggestions for Items to be placed on the next meeting Agenda 

It was resolved that the next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 4th December 2023 commencing at 6pm.

Item 1023/81 Exclusion of Press and Public From the Meeting Pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, as matters under discussion are confidential and relate to employees of the Council.

Members of the Public left the meeting as requested at 7:55pm. 

Item 1023/82 Discussion and Approval of the Employment Arrangements for the Retiring Clerk and Employing a New Clerk.

Mr Everard explained the options available from LALC to assist with employment of a new clerk. A job description will be drafted and will be advertised. The hours needed 14-16 per month were agreed and pay scales were discussed. 

With there being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8:24pm.