February 2023 Minutes
South Somercotes with Scupholme Fen Houses PARISH COUNCIL
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 6th February 2023 at St. Peter’s Church, Louth Road, South Somercotes
Chair Cllr Mr David Poulter
Vice-Chair Cllr Mrs Denise Day
Cllr Mrs Rowena Benton
Cllr Mrs Tracey Poulter
Cllr Mrs Pauline Jackson
Also Present:
Clerk Ms Natalie Daly
County & District Cllr Mr Daniel McNally (6:06pm)
Members of Public None
Item 0223/01 Chairman’s Welcome
In Chairman opened the meeting at 5:55pm and welcomed everyone. The last meeting that was scheduled to be held on the 9th January 2023 had to be cancelled due to COVID.
Item 0223/02 Public Forum
No Members of the Public were in Attendance and no Matters Raised under this Item.
Item 0223/03 Apologies & Acceptance for Absence
Apologies were received and accepted from District Cllr Mr Paul Rickett.
Item 0223/04 Police Matters
No representative from the Local Neighbourhood Policing Team were in attendance. An update from the Louth Town & Rural NPT had been receive to include: Quarterly Priorities which are Anti-Social Behaviour, Fraud/Scams/Rogue Traders Incidents, Drugs and the Fatal 4 Operation which relates to Speed Checks in the area. In January there were 20 motoring offences.
Item 0223/05 District & County Councillor Updates
District Cllr Mr Rickett had emailed an update for the Parish Council to include: Warm Spaces at Magna Vitae Leisure Venues to include Louth, LG Challenge (programme designed to generate the future leaders of local government. Over 6mths contestants are tasked with real-life challenges at different councils with a scholarship prize. Lincolnshire Community Foundation – Vouchers to individuals and families who have not received any cost of living support, scheme open until 24.03.23.
Housing Register drop-in Session at Mablethorpe. Lincolnshire Apprenticeship Champion Awards.
County & District Cllr Mr McNally reported on: Share Prosperity Funding received from Government to ELDC (£5k-£50k funding available) on-line applications to benefit infrastructure in the community.
Fire & Rescue, possible industrial action, shouldn’t effect community & mainly full-time employed personnel will be striking. Highways are now carrying out repairs 7 days a week. Louth Transport Board Meeting - example costs were given to high-light the expense to replace a footpath with kerbing, slurries & patching work.
Item 0223/06 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with LGA 2011
Item 0223/07 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the meeting held on the 5th December 2022
It was proposed by the Vice-Chair, Cllr Mrs Day, seconded by Cllr Mrs Benton and resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on the 5th December 2022 were a true record. The Chair duly signed and dated the Minutes as a true record.
Item 0223/08 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman had no specific matters to report.
Item 0223/09 Clerks Report
BT Kiosk – Awaiting connection from Northern PowerGrid. An up to date quote had been received from SafeLincs Ltd for the purchase of the defibrillator & heated cabinet. Discussions took place on whether to order new defibrillator signs for the BT Kiosk or put back the old Telephone signs. It was resolved to re-install the Telephone signs to keep the ethnicity of the BT Kiosk. The Vice-Chair, Cllr Mrs Day will enquire on the mounting of the defibrillator.
Noticeboard – The Clerk reported that the doors of the noticeboard were not shutting due to warping of the wood. The Chairman will have a look and make the necessary repairs.
Forthcoming Local Elections – Some Parish Councillors will be not be standing in the next local elections. With the current number of Parish Councillors and the resignation of the Parish Clerk, this would see the Parish Council being dissolved. Options of a Parish Meeting held yearly was considered as a viable option. A note in the Communication would be made along with a leaflet to be distributed within the village asking for more Parish Councillors to continue.
The Jubilee Field Committee would continue as a separate body in order for events to still be held for the Parish. The Vice-Chair Mrs Day and Cllr Mrs Jackson are willing to organise the events and assistance of help was voiced from remaining Cllrs.
Item 0223/10 Parish Councillor Reports
No specific matters were raised under this item.
Item 0223/11 Financial Matters
Financial Precept 2023/24 – The Parish Council considered the Budget & resolved unanimously to keep the Precept the same for the forthcoming year at £4,200.
The Defibrillator quote, to include a heated cabinet received from SafeLincs was checked and considered. It was proposed by the Vice-Chair Cllr Mrs Day, seconded by Cllr Mrs Benton and resolved to pay the amount of £1,392.29.
Item 0223/12 Planning Matters
No Planning Matters.
Item 0223/13 Highway/Lighting/Footpath Matters
Cloddygate has had patching work repairs carried out to the severe subsidence.
The Vice-Chair, Cllr Mrs Day reported that Ings Lane was in a bad way.
Item 0223/14 Jubilee Field & St. Peters Church
The Clerk had managed to make contact with Tudor Ground Maintenance who are willing to proceed with the grass-cutting for the 2023 season. The cost per cut would be £120 including VAT.
The Parish Council resolved to proceed with the tender & instructions would be given to commence the grass-cutting a.s.a.p.
Cllr Mrs Jackson asked if an event could be helped to help celebrate the Kings Coronation planned for May. It was discussed and agreed that a small event would be held in St. Peters Church on Sunday 7th May 2023, 2-4pm. Further details of the event would be discussed further at the next meeting.
Cllr Mrs Jackson handed in £13.00 which was raised from the Christmas Get-Together 2022. The total amount raised was £148.00. It was resolved to donate £25.00 to the Communication, £10.00 to the CCT & the remaining amount to the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance.
County & District Cllr Mr McNally then left the meeting at 6:49pm.
Item 0223/15 Reports from Outside Bodies
Mrs Larking is retiring from the Communication magazine and help/volunteers are needed to assist with the organising of the Communication.
Item 0223/16 Next Meeting – Monday 6th March 2023 6PM
The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 6th March 2023 commencing at 6pm with the Public Forum.
With there being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7:30pm.