April 2023 Minutes

South Somercotes with Scupholme Fen Houses PARISH COUNCIL

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 3rd April 2023 at St. Peter’s Church, Louth Road, South Somercotes

Present:    Chair    Cllr Mr David Poulter
Vice-Chair    Cllr Mrs Denise Day
Cllr Mrs Rowena Benton
Cllr Mrs Tracey Poulter
Cllr Mrs Pauline Jackson 

Also Present:

Clerk     Ms Natalie Daly

County & District     Cllr Mr Daniel McNally (6:02pm)

Members of Public    Mr B Lewis & Ms J Stevens

Item 0423/33   Chairman’s Welcome 

The Chairman opened the meeting at 5:55pm and welcomed everyone to the monthly meeting.

Item 0423/34 Public Forum

No matters were raised.

Item 0423/35 Apologies & Acceptance for Absence


Item 0423/36 Police Matters   

No members of the neighbourhood Policing Team were in attendance and no update to provide the Parish Council was received. No matters were raised.

Item 0423/37 District & County Councillor Updates

County & District Cllr Mr McNally reported on: Payment Machine for the Car Park at Huttoft will be activated on the 7th April. Installed last year to prevent long-stay vehicles. Holiday Activity fund for those eligible for Free School Meals is available with some activities being held in North Somercotes. SO Events being held from 14th April to celebrate 50yrs of the Wolds ANOB to include Hedge Laying, Astronomy, Walking & Open Gardens plus much more.

Item 0423/38 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest in accordance with LGA 2011


Item 0423/39 To Resolve as Minutes the record of the meeting held on the 13th March 2023

It was proposed by the Vice-Chair, Cllr Mrs Day, seconded by Cllr Mrs Poulter and resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on the 13th March 2023 were a true record. The Chair duly signed and dated the Minutes as a true record.

Item 0423/40 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported that he will not be standing in the Parish Elections. The chairman will look at the BT phonebox to check if it is viable to erect the defibrillator onto the existing board that the ex-telephony equipment was or whether more support is needed.

Forthcoming Local Elections – Existing Parish Councillors had decided to not stand in the Parish Elections. Mr Lewis and Ms Stevens had decided that if no others were standing that there was no point in progressing with their applications. An option of holding a yearly Parish Meeting was discussed with the option of holding any extra-ordinary meeting should the need arise. Those in attendance agreed that they would be interested in attending along with Vice-Chair Cllr Mrs Day to host and the Clerk to continue to help. Further guidance would be obtained.

Item 0423/41 Clerks Report

BT Kiosk – Awaiting connection from Northern PowerGrid. 

Item 0423/42 Parish Councillor Reports

Cllr Mrs Jackson is on track and busy along with Julie organising the Kings Coronation event to be held on Sunday 7th May 2023, 2-4pm at St. Peters Church. There will be Tea/Coffee/Refreshments along with cakes. Invitations have been created, printed and were distributed to Cllrs to deliver within the Parish. The Clerk handed in Plates, Napkins, Cups, Straws, crown making kits and decorations for the event.
The Vice-Chair, Cllr Mrs Day handed in £1.31 which had been collected from the Book Stall.

Item 0423/43 Financial Matters 

Invoice received from Tudor Ground Maintenance for the grass-cutting relating to the churchyard £120.00 inc. VAT. 

It was proposed by the Vice-Chair Cllr Mrs Day, seconded by Cllr Mrs Benton and Resolved to pay the above invoice.

Item 0423/44 Planning Matters

No Planning Matters.

Item 0423/45 Highway/Lighting/Footpath Matters

The footpath near to Gander Patch has yet to be repaired. A large pothole along East Row encroaching onto the verge was high-lighted. The Stree-Light outside of the gated entrance to Church Farm on Louth Road is still permanently lit. District & County Cllr Mr McNally will look into these defects.

Item 0423/46 Jubilee Field & St. Peters Church

Mr Chatterton had contacted the Clerk to advise that due to mower issues, he would be unable to cut the Jubilee Field this year. The Clerk had contacted Tudor Grounds Maintenance who currently cutes St. Peters Churchyard. They are happy to cut the Jubilee Field at a cost of £40.00 per cut. The Parish Council resolved to accept the quotation and request that the field is cut a.s.a.p.

The Vice-Chair, Mrs Day reported had received information that there will be a Clothes Bank installed at St. Peters Church and funds raised will be going towards the Church.

Item 0423/47 Reports from Outside Bodies

An update for the Kings Coronation Celebration Event will be placed in the Communication along with the date of the next meeting.

Item 0423/48 Next Meeting – Monday 3rd April 2023 6PM

The next Parish Council Meeting will be held after the Annual Parish Meeting on Monday 1st May 2023 commencing at 6pm with the Public Forum.

With there being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7pm.