14 January - Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 14 January 2025 at St. Peter's Church, Louth Road, South Somercotes
Present: Chair Cllr Antony Baker
Vice-Chair Cllr Brian Lewis
Cllr Julie Stretton
Also Present: Clerk Mrs Binal Sawjani
Members of Public 2 members of the Public
District/County None
Item 1125/55 Welcome to the meeting: Chair opened meeting at 18.00 and welcomed the councillor and members of the public.
No public comments
Item 1125/56 Apologies for absence received and approve: Apologies received and accepted from Cllr McNally and Cllr Ricketts.
Item 1125/57 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations: None
Item 1125/58 To approve as correct records the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 5 November 2024 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
Item 1125/59 Training – Staff and elected Members To receive the latest training availability via the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) and consider and book relevant places for staff and elected Members.Clerk to PC has attended VAT training.
Item 1125/60 Future Events Update – review of the current and future events for the parish:
Christmas Event 15 December – the event was well received by the villagers and we had and attendance of 50 people. Tea/coffee was served and the parishioners where very generous with gifts and raffle prizes. Thanks to Jan Baldwin who donated a Christmas cake, Axe and Cleaver for voucher for a meal for two and Churchills for a £10 voucher all items were used in the raffle. Cllr Baker donated a soup kettle. The event raised £110.05 after expenses.
Table top sale- to be renamed Indoor Car boot Sale 29 March 10 – 1 inviting parishioners to take a table to sell anything they want from home including crafts, homemade jam or items. Council will serve tea/coffee and soup. Event was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED
Plan for summer fete to be discussed at next meeting.
Item 1125/60 Parish Matters:
- Dog waste bin – waiting for approval of the waste bin and council will order and erect on the junction between Town Street and East Row. The post for the bin was kindly donated by Pam Harrison and we proposed to commission Dave Hobson to erect the bin for £70, this was seconded and RESOLVED
- Renew insurance – Parish insurance to be renewed £277.00 with Zurich
- Clerks wage – Payment will be made to clerk to get wages up to date and DD setup for future payments.
- VAT – ongoing and clerk has received the training and VAT will be posted by next meeting.
Item 1125/61 Correspondence: To receive and dispose of correspondence received since the last meeting.
Police engagement session on 16 January has been cancelled as they would like to get a more comprehensive mandate as to the needs of the parishes.
LALC asking for renewal to association membership for £91.70 and unlimited training £132 this was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED
Item 1125/62 Future meeting dates: Next meeting Tuesday 4 March 2025 at 6pm.
Item 1125/63 Financial matters
- To note bank balances on bank statements as on 19 December 2024: £10,253.03
- To note income £24.00 D-day event
- To authorise the signing of orders for payment for previous months
Date |
Payment To |
Expenditure Details |
Amount |
01/12/2024 |
Binal Sawjani |
Salary to the PC |
£ 237.60 |
01/01/2025 |
Binal Sawjani |
Salary to the PC |
£ 237.60 |
02/12/2025 |
D. Hobson |
Grass Cutting |
£ 291.67 |
02/01/2025 |
D. Hobson |
Grass Cutting |
£ 291.67 |
19/11/2024 |
Cloud Net |
Website Hosting |
£ 59.98 |
14/11/2024 |
Turtle Engineering |
Bleed Kits |
£ 204.00 |
19/11/2024 |
Julie Stretton |
Wreath for Remembrance Day |
£ 15.00 |
19/11/2024 |
Anthony Baker |
Christmas event |
£ 116.48 |
- Approve precept 2024/25 – Budget from last year was shared and discussed with councillors. Expenditure for the last year was £9,552.24 After much discussion percept was set at £7,000 as expenditure will be at similar numbers but there will be some savings on items that have been purchased by the council for future events. We also have a reserve fund that will help towards costs. Precept was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED. Clerk will ensure paperwork is submitted by 31 January
Meeting ended 18.35